object frmDoc: TfrmDoc Left = 219 Top = 108 Width = 696 Height = 480 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Color = 12884326 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] FormStyle = fsMDIChild Icon.Data = {} Menu = MainMenu1 OldCreateOrder = False Position = poDefault Visible = True OnActivate = FormActivate OnClose = FormClose OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnResize = FormResize PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox Left = 0 Top = 28 Width = 688 Height = 406 HorzScrollBar.Smooth = True HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Smooth = True VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Align = alClient Color = 12884326 ParentColor = False TabOrder = 1 object PaintBox1: TPaintBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 688 Height = 404 PopupMenu = PopupMenu1 OnMouseDown = PaintBox1MouseDown OnMouseMove = PaintBox1MouseMove OnMouseUp = PaintBox1MouseUp OnPaint = PaintBox1Paint end end object CoolBar1: TCoolBar Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 688 Height = 28 AutoSize = True Bands = < item Control = ToolBar1 ImageIndex = -1 MinHeight = 24 Width = 684 end> Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False object ToolBar1: TToolBar Left = 9 Top = 0 Width = 671 Height = 24 AutoSize = True Caption = 'ToolBar1' Flat = True Images = frmCDLabMain.ImageList1 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 object ToolButton1: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 0 Action = AInsertPicture end object ToolButton2: TToolButton Left = 23 Top = 0 Action = AInsertText end object ToolButton22: TToolButton Left = 46 Top = 0 Action = AInsertCircledText end object ToolButton5: TToolButton Left = 69 Top = 0 Width = 8 Caption = 'ToolButton5' ImageIndex = 17 Style = tbsDivider end object ToolButton3: TToolButton Left = 77 Top = 0 Action = ADelete end object ToolButton4: TToolButton Left = 100 Top = 0 Action = AProperties end object ToolButton6: TToolButton Left = 123 Top = 0 Width = 8 Caption = 'ToolButton6' ImageIndex = 17 Style = tbsDivider end object ToolButton7: TToolButton Left = 131 Top = 0 Action = EditUndo1 end object ToolButton8: TToolButton Left = 154 Top = 0 Action = EditRedo1 end object ToolButton9: TToolButton Left = 177 Top = 0 Width = 8 Caption = 'ToolButton9' ImageIndex = 19 Style = tbsDivider end object ToolButton10: TToolButton Left = 185 Top = 0 Action = EditCut1 end object ToolButton11: TToolButton Left = 208 Top = 0 Action = EditCopy1 end object ToolButton12: TToolButton Left = 231 Top = 0 Action = EditPaste1 end object ToolButton13: TToolButton Left = 254 Top = 0 Width = 8 Caption = 'ToolButton13' ImageIndex = 22 Style = tbsDivider end object ToolButton14: TToolButton Left = 262 Top = 0 Action = AZoomIn end object ToolButton15: TToolButton Left = 285 Top = 0 Action = AZoomOut end object ToolButton20: TToolButton Left = 308 Top = 0 Action = AViewCase end object ToolButton21: TToolButton Left = 331 Top = 0 Action = AViewLabel end object ToolButton16: TToolButton Left = 354 Top = 0 Width = 8 Caption = 'ToolButton16' ImageIndex = 0 Style = tbsDivider end object ToolButton18: TToolButton Left = 362 Top = 0 Action = AColDec end object ToolButton17: TToolButton Left = 385 Top = 0 Action = AColInc end object ToolButton19: TToolButton Left = 408 Top = 0 Action = AReadDrive end end end object ActionList1: TActionList Images = frmCDLabMain.ImageList1 Left = 512 Top = 40 object AZ25: TAction Tag = 25 Category = 'View' Caption = '25%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ50: TAction Tag = 50 Category = 'View' Caption = '50%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ75: TAction Tag = 75 Category = 'View' Caption = '75%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ100: TAction Tag = 100 Category = 'View' Caption = '100%' Checked = True GroupIndex = 1 ShortCut = 16432 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ125: TAction Tag = 125 Category = 'View' Caption = '125%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ150: TAction Tag = 150 Category = 'View' Caption = '150%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ175: TAction Tag = 175 Category = 'View' Caption = '175%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AZ200: TAction Tag = 200 Category = 'View' Caption = '200%' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = AZ50Execute end object AInsertPicture: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Picture' Hint = 'Insert picture' ImageIndex = 6 OnExecute = AInsertPictureExecute end object AInsertText: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Text' Hint = 'Insert text' ImageIndex = 7 OnExecute = AInsertTextExecute end object AInsertCircledText: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Circled Text' Hint = 'Insert circled text' ImageIndex = 30 OnExecute = AInsertCircledTextExecute end object ADelete: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Delete' Hint = 'Delete object' ImageIndex = 15 ShortCut = 46 OnExecute = ADeleteExecute end object AProperties: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Properties' Hint = 'Properties' ImageIndex = 16 ShortCut = 32781 OnExecute = APropertiesExecute end object EditCut1: TEditCut Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Cu&t' Hint = 'Cut|Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard' ImageIndex = 12 ShortCut = 16472 SecondaryShortCuts.Strings = ( 'Shift+Del') OnExecute = EditCut1Execute end object EditCopy1: TEditCopy Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Copy' Hint = 'Copy|Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard' ImageIndex = 13 ShortCut = 16451 SecondaryShortCuts.Strings = ( 'Ctrl+Ins') OnExecute = EditCut1Execute end object EditPaste1: TEditPaste Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Paste' Hint = 'Paste|Inserts Clipboard contents' ImageIndex = 14 ShortCut = 16470 SecondaryShortCuts.Strings = ( 'Shift+Ins') OnExecute = EditPaste1Execute end object AMoveUp: TAction Category = 'Arrange' Caption = 'Move &Up' ShortCut = 16417 OnExecute = AMoveUpExecute end object AMoveDown: TAction Category = 'Arrange' Caption = 'Move &Down' ShortCut = 16418 OnExecute = AMoveDownExecute end object AMoveToFront: TAction Category = 'Arrange' Caption = 'Move To &Front' ShortCut = 49185 OnExecute = AMoveUpExecute end object AMoveToBack: TAction Category = 'Arrange' Caption = 'Move To &Back' ShortCut = 49186 OnExecute = AMoveDownExecute end object AChangeBkColor: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = 'Background &Color' OnExecute = AChangeBkColorExecute end object ARotate90: TAction Tag = 1 Category = 'Rotate' Caption = 'Rotate &left for 90'#176 OnExecute = ARotate90Execute end object ARotate180: TAction Tag = 2 Category = 'Rotate' Caption = 'Rotate for 1&80'#176 OnExecute = ARotate90Execute end object ARotate270: TAction Tag = 3 Category = 'Rotate' Caption = 'Rotate &right for 90'#176 OnExecute = ARotate90Execute end object ACenterHoriz: TAction Category = 'Arrange' Caption = 'Center &Horizontally' ShortCut = 16453 OnExecute = ACenterHorizExecute end object ACenterVert: TAction Category = 'Arrange' Caption = 'Center &Vertically' ShortCut = 16466 OnExecute = ACenterHorizExecute end object EditUndo1: TEditUndo Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Undo' Hint = 'Undo' ImageIndex = 17 ShortCut = 16474 SecondaryShortCuts.Strings = ( 'Alt+BkSp') OnExecute = EditUndo1Execute end object EditRedo1: TAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Redo' Hint = 'Redo' ImageIndex = 18 ShortCut = 16473 SecondaryShortCuts.Strings = ( 'Alt+Shift+BkSp') OnExecute = EditRedo1Execute end object AResetSize: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Reset Size' Hint = 'Reset size of picture' OnExecute = AResetSizeExecute end object ASetAsBackground: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = 'Set As &Background' OnExecute = ASetAsBackgroundExecute end object ASetBackground: TAction Category = 'Side' Caption = 'Set &Picture' OnExecute = ASetBackgroundExecute end object AClearBackground: TAction Category = 'Side' Caption = '&Clear Picture' OnExecute = AClearBackgroundExecute end object AColInc: TAction Category = 'FileList' Caption = '&Increase Columns' Hint = 'Increase number of columns' ImageIndex = 22 OnExecute = AColIncExecute end object AColDec: TAction Category = 'FileList' Caption = '&Decrease Columns' Hint = 'Decrease number of columns' ImageIndex = 23 OnExecute = AColIncExecute end object AReadDrive: TAction Category = 'FileList' Caption = 'Read &Drive/CDDB' Hint = 'Read drive/CDDB' ImageIndex = 26 OnExecute = AReadDriveExecute end object AZoomIn: TAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Zoom &In' Hint = 'Zoom in' ImageIndex = 25 ShortCut = 16457 OnExecute = AZoomInExecute end object AZoomOut: TAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Zoom &Out' Hint = 'Zoom out' ImageIndex = 24 ShortCut = 16469 OnExecute = AZoomInExecute end object AViewCase: TAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'View &Case' Checked = True GroupIndex = 2 Hint = 'View case' ImageIndex = 27 OnExecute = AViewCaseExecute end object AViewLabel: TAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'View &Label' GroupIndex = 2 Hint = 'View CD label' ImageIndex = 28 OnExecute = AViewCaseExecute end object ASideBkColor: TAction Category = 'Side' Caption = '&Color' OnExecute = ASideBkColorExecute end object ALock: TAction Category = 'Object' Caption = '&Lock Object' ImageIndex = 34 OnExecute = ALockExecute end end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu AutoMerge = True Images = frmCDLabMain.ImageList1 OwnerDraw = True Left = 440 Top = 36 object Edit1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Edit' GroupIndex = 2 object Undo1: TMenuItem Action = EditUndo1 end object EditRedo11: TMenuItem Action = EditRedo1 end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Cut1: TMenuItem Action = EditCut1 end object Copy1: TMenuItem Action = EditCopy1 end object Paste1: TMenuItem Action = EditPaste1 end end object Object1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Object' GroupIndex = 3 object Insert1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Insert' object InsertPicture1: TMenuItem Action = AInsertPicture end object InsertText1: TMenuItem Action = AInsertText SubMenuImages = frmCDLabMain.ImageList1 end object CircledText1: TMenuItem Action = AInsertCircledText end end object Delete1: TMenuItem Action = ADelete end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object LockObject1: TMenuItem Action = ALock end object N17: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Arange1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Arrange' object CenterHorizontaly1: TMenuItem Action = ACenterHoriz end object CenterVerticaly1: TMenuItem Action = ACenterVert end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MoveUp1: TMenuItem Action = AMoveUp end object MoveDown1: TMenuItem Action = AMoveDown end object MoveToFront1: TMenuItem Action = AMoveToFront end object MoveToBack1: TMenuItem Action = AMoveToBack end end object Rotate1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rotate' object Rotatefor902: TMenuItem Action = ARotate270 end object Rotatefor1801: TMenuItem Action = ARotate180 end object Rotatefor901: TMenuItem Action = ARotate90 end end object Picture2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Picture' object SetAsBackground1: TMenuItem Action = ASetAsBackground end object ResetSize1: TMenuItem Action = AResetSize end end object ChangeBackgroundColor1: TMenuItem Action = AChangeBkColor end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Sidebackground1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Side Background' object SideBackgroundColor1: TMenuItem Action = ASideBkColor end object N15: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SetBackground1: TMenuItem Action = ASetBackground end object ClearBackground1: TMenuItem Action = AClearBackground end end object FileList1: TMenuItem Caption = '&File List' object IncreaseColumns1: TMenuItem Action = AColInc end object DecreaseColumns1: TMenuItem Action = AColDec end object N12: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ReadDrive1: TMenuItem Action = AReadDrive end end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Properties1: TMenuItem Action = AProperties end end object View1: TMenuItem Caption = '&View' GroupIndex = 4 object ViewCase1: TMenuItem Action = AViewCase GroupIndex = 2 end object ViewLabel1: TMenuItem Action = AViewLabel GroupIndex = 2 end object N14: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 2 end object A251: TMenuItem Action = AZ25 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object N501: TMenuItem Tag = 50 Action = AZ50 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object N751: TMenuItem Tag = 75 Action = AZ75 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object N1001: TMenuItem Tag = 100 Action = AZ100 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object N1251: TMenuItem Tag = 125 Action = AZ125 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object N1501: TMenuItem Tag = 150 Action = AZ150 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object AZ1751: TMenuItem Action = AZ175 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object A2001: TMenuItem Action = AZ200 GroupIndex = 2 RadioItem = True end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 2 end object Configuration1: TMenuItem Action = frmCDLabMain.AConfig GroupIndex = 2 end end end object OPD: TOpenPictureDialog Filter = 'All (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp|JPEG Image File (*.j' + 'pg)|*.jpg|JPEG Image File (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 372 Top = 36 end object XPM: TXPMenu Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clMenuText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] Color = clWhite IconBackColor = 12884326 MenuBarColor = clBtnFace SelectColor = clSkyBlue SelectBorderColor = clBlack SelectFontColor = clMenuText DisabledColor = clInactiveCaption SeparatorColor = clBtnFace CheckedColor = clSkyBlue IconWidth = 24 DrawSelect = True UseSystemColors = False OverrideOwnerDraw = True Gradient = False FlatMenu = True AutoDetect = False Active = True Left = 572 Top = 40 end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu Images = frmCDLabMain.ImageList1 Left = 212 Top = 92 object Cut2: TMenuItem Action = EditCut1 end object Copy2: TMenuItem Action = EditCopy1 end object Paste2: TMenuItem Action = EditPaste1 end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Insert2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Insert' object Picture1: TMenuItem Action = AInsertPicture end object ext1: TMenuItem Action = AInsertText end object CircledText2: TMenuItem Action = AInsertCircledText end end object Delete2: TMenuItem Action = ADelete end object N18: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object LockObject2: TMenuItem Action = ALock end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Arange2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Arrange' object CenterHorizontaly2: TMenuItem Action = ACenterHoriz end object CenterVerticaly2: TMenuItem Action = ACenterVert end object N10: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MoveUp3: TMenuItem Action = AMoveUp end object MoveDown3: TMenuItem Action = AMoveDown end object MoveToFront3: TMenuItem Action = AMoveToFront end object MoveToBack3: TMenuItem Action = AMoveToBack end end object Rotate2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rotate' object Rotatefor903: TMenuItem Action = ARotate270 end object Rotatefor1802: TMenuItem Action = ARotate180 end object Rotatefor904: TMenuItem Action = ARotate90 end end object Picture3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Picture' object SetAsBackground2: TMenuItem Action = ASetAsBackground end object ResetSize3: TMenuItem Action = AResetSize end end object ChangeBackgroundColor2: TMenuItem Action = AChangeBkColor end object N11: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SideBackground2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Side Background' object Color1: TMenuItem Action = ASideBkColor end object N16: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SetPicture1: TMenuItem Action = ASetBackground end object ClearPicture1: TMenuItem Action = AClearBackground end end object FileList2: TMenuItem Caption = '&File List' object IncreaseColumns2: TMenuItem Action = AColInc end object DecreaseColumns2: TMenuItem Action = AColDec end object N13: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ReadDrive2: TMenuItem Action = AReadDrive end end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Properties2: TMenuItem Action = AProperties end end object CD: TColorDialog Ctl3D = True Options = [cdFullOpen, cdAnyColor] Left = 32 Top = 44 end end